
Hi Everyone 🙂

My name is Jasmine and I’m 27 years old (no idea how that happened, but eh, age is not a number). I was born in Australia, but I’m currently living in the UK with my fiance and have done for two years. I’m a Hufflepuff.

You already know this from my blog: I love books. I love reading. I love a range of genres, but have a massive soft spot for YA. I am an avid Harry Potter fan and my favourite book is Richard Adam’s Watership Down.

I love to write as well, and I’ve recently taken up my pen again to compose my second YA novel. My first will likely never see the light of day, but who knows with this one! I also really enjoy writing poetry :). I dream of one day getting something published so I can share my stories with other people who love stories.

I have a Creative Arts Degree with Honours (I majored in English) and a Graduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood).

I have no idea what I want to do for a career (I’m pretty sure I don’t actually want one), so for now I’m just spending my time doing what makes me happy.

Thanks for following my blog!

Jasmine @ Thesepaperwords